On one hand, we celebrate the civilization that the internet, science and technology development have brought to us and believe that what we have done are all for pursuing excellence and outstanding.
But on the other hand, we seemly forget that even though the electricity crisis may be lessened due to the solar energy convertion, water pollution in a closed system is incorrigible, beyond redemption....
What are we, the modern civics, gonna do now if we've known already what's gonna come, become the very BIG issue in 20 years?
And, again, this is absolutely NOT a question that is still too far for us to think about now !
But on the other hand, we seemly forget that even though the electricity crisis may be lessened due to the solar energy convertion, water pollution in a closed system is incorrigible, beyond redemption....
What are we, the modern civics, gonna do now if we've known already what's gonna come, become the very BIG issue in 20 years?
And, again, this is absolutely NOT a question that is still too far for us to think about now !